Hope you're having a fabulous Friday, my friends!
Like the alliteration? I thought you might.
Today's Fitness Friday is all about your lower body. My clients know better than anyone that I am ALL about your legs and butt...it's my favorite thing to work! So, imagine my delight when, as I perused Pinterest in class yesterday, I stumbled across this nifty leg workout from Prevention.com. The coolest part? You do the whole workout using a nothing but a wall! As an added bonus, all of these exercises are highly functional in nature, meaning that: (a) almost everyone can do them in some form or fashion, and (b) they are important for maintaining balance, core strength, and movement efficiency throughout the day!
Pretty neat, right? I thought so.
That's why I decided to share some of the exercises with you guys. So don't just sit there...find a wall and get busy!
Wall Bridge
(Lower back, Glutes)
Lie on back with butt against wall, arms at sides, knees bent, and feet
planted 3 to 4 feet up wall. Exhale and peel lower and mid back off
floor, keeping shoulder blades down, so body forms a nearly straight
line from chest to knees. Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly
roll back down.
MY TIP: Walk your feet all the way up the wall and back down for an added bonus.
Windshield Wipers
(Inner & Outer Thighs)
From Wall Bridge starting position, extend legs straight up against wall
so body forms an L. Inhale and slowly lower left leg down wall like a
clock arm toward 9 o'clock; exhale and return to start. Repeat with
right leg, sweeping toward 3 o'clock. Continue to alternate legs until
you've completed all reps.
MY TIP: Use an exercise band to make this one harder!
Wall Scissor
(Glutes, Hamstrings)
From Toe Reaches start position, bend knees to plant feet on wall. Peel
back off floor, keeping shoulder blades down, and step feet up wall so
body forms a diagonal line from feet to chest. Bend elbows and support
lower back with hands; keep shoulder blades, upper arms, and head on
floor. Lower left leg toward head as far as you can, keeping both legs
straight and abs tight. Return to wall and lower right leg. Continue to
alternate until you've completed all reps.
MY TIP: Alternate between making tiny pulses with your leg, then moderate pulses, and then big pulses. Repeat for all reps!
As if you didn't already LOVE these exercises enough, flipping your workout upside down is great for injuries, arthritis, and knee problems. Why? Because your legs get a great workout without putting much stress on those joints!
Happy Friday.
And remember, the best way to spend your day is by showing everyone you encounter the same love and grace that God has shown you.