I have a word of advice.
Yes, I'm only 22 years old. Yes, I've been a wife for less than 2 years. Yes, I'm still in graduate school. Yes, I've been a personal trainer for only 16 months. No, I haven't seen it all, heard it all, or done at all.
Neverthless, in the world of fitness, health, and weight loss, I have a few things working for me. I hold a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science. I spent 200 hours during the summer of 2010 in a clinical internship in cardiac rehabilitation. Three years ago, I lost 23 pounds in 14 months and have kept it off ever since. Since August of 2010, I have worked for a one-on-one private training corporation, serving over 50 clients at our location in Cary, North Carolina. To date, I have completed over 1700 one-on-one personal training sessions. Oh, and I've read a lot of books.
As a general rule, one must complete 10,000 hours of practice, study, observation, or experience to be legitimately qualified as an expert. In anything. In the words of Corey Smith, I've still got a long, long way to go.
And yet, here I am, audaciously proclaiming that I have a piece of knowledge that is genuinely necessary, completely accurate, and profitable for your understanding of health and fitness.
Yep. And if God wasn't grieved by gambling, I'd bet my life on it. So here it is.
If you ever read, hear, or see anything that advocates a method of successfully losing weight with the application of neither diet nor exercise, it is either not SAFE, not LEGAL, or not TRUE.
And just to clarify, before you roll your eyes and write me off... (1) By diet, I mean a healthy, lifelong lifestyle of eating, not a temporary, restrictive attempt to look great at your next high school reunion; and (2) By exercise, I mean a healthy, lifelong commitment to movement, activity, and cardiovascular fitness, not a temporary, stringent, blood-vessel bursting weight lifting session at the gym for 6 weeks.
So, there you have it. That's the most honest, confident proclamation I can make regarding my education and profession to date. And, as a final note, that's probably the closest I'll ever come to writing a book, because people who write too much tend to say too little.

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